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Uniswap Pools |
BSOV-ETH (amount of ETH in pool) |
BSOV-ETH (amount of BSOV in pool) |
Circulating Supply is the amount of available tokens to the public. With BSOV's smart-contract anyone can mint tokens by mining using PoW, some of those tokens are burnt when BSOV is swapped or transacted, and some people decide to timelock their tokens in SovCube. All this results in BSOV Token's Circulating Supply.
Amount of Minted Tokens - Burnt Tokens - Timelocked tokens in SovCube = Circulating Supply.
Due to BSOV's deflationary mechanism, the circulating supply will go lower as time passes and usage increases.
Minted tokens - Burnt tokens = Total Supply.
This API was deployed by me, RealRouse.
Feel free to donate some BSOV or ETH to my address at:
Curious about BSOV? Visit the community-made website here:
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